How to beat Neediness and Low self-esteem

I just experienced the embarrassing bad luck of getting viciously “let’s just be friends”ed by a super hot girl. Despite the fact that I happen to be more than two years towards “dealing with the girls section of life.” So evidently I’m not nearly as cool as I suspected I had been. The friendzone isn’t a confidence matter, or maybe an opening problem, or perhaps a comfort problem. It’s an ATTRACTION situation.

My BEST pickups, when I got the Beautiful girl and she went home with me, I defeated insecurity and neediness. The WAY I did it is very important! Merely Understanding neediness and insecurity will be the opponents does not help in the slightest! You must have a process to make them go away.

I conquered insecurity utilizing a cocky/funny strategy. You can’t be frightened of the woman and be busting her balls at the same time. It is simply impossible. You can not be scared of her and also be giving her a hard time. The instant you Begin cracking on her for a specific thing, YOUR low self-esteem will evaporate. This is how you eradicate insecurity. You remember the “FITYMI” suggestion? If you aren’t experiencing it, USE THAT at this point! Simply start ripping on her (playfully) anyway. You’ll certainly be surprised how fast the tables turn and you ARE feeling it.

I destroyed neediness by having HER run after ME by frame control. “This would not work out, you happen to be overly OLD/too young. However we can be buddies.” “You are from New York (or Wherever) Uh-oh, I don’t date girls from that place. That is 2 strikes against you.”

You can not be desperate As well as at the same time be hinting she desires you and suggesting you Two be friends. Frame control is Ultra powerful stuff. It’s kind of like the Jedi-mind-trick. You Voice it out and just about WILL it to come to pass. I’ve Rarely had a girl call me out on it and been like “Oh please, you are much too old / young for me!” or “Well I wouldn’t date you in any case.” They’ve ALWAYS 100% of times, just went along with whatever frame I set. So SET it!!! Women like to pursue. Let them.

This guy gets it!

These are not cutting edge principles. Frame control, C&F are shown for years. But focusing on how Critical they are to removing neediness and insecurity is rather huge. I think I failed to make progress with the previous girl because I forgot to say any of the frame control kinds of things and as a consequence I wound up chasing HER. Sure I was C&F. But that’s insufficient if she believes that You’re going after HER. In the end, she didn’t even KISS me. Don’t allow that to happen.

I wish I was telling you this only from successes, but I have lost equally as many women because of NOT practicing these 2 items as I’ve wound up sealing the deal by focusing on to try to to this. It’s not “natural” for me. I need to remind myself to keep this ‘She is chasing after ME’ mindset and bust her balls. Exaggerate it. Much more than you consider is required. Any time I have thought I’m overdoing it, she simply responded better.

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